Saturday, June 03, 2006

We had a family visit today about 2o minutes and 200 questions later!!!!!!!!!!( it is hard to imagine 6 kids!)
I took some cute pictures of the babies and their isolates is what they live in. The only time they come out is when i do a kangaroo with them. They are always covered with a blanket so it is dark inside. The isolette is a controlled environment for temperature and humidity. Most access is through the small hole big enough for one hand. They really try and recreate the womb as much as possible. The girls are all doing well and really starting to show their personalities. It is amazing how much Winter and Spring are starting to look a like.

Love us

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was just about the most special thing to see in the whole world. What great pictures! Did the boys like going? You will do fine with 6 kids! We love you for taking the time to do this great blog for us. Love ya tons Mom