Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Spring in her new clothes  Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006

Today was a very long day. Driving to the hospital everyday has really started to ware on me. I don't want to do this for another month! Autumn got her first feeding of milk 5 cc which is about 1 tsp! I would rather have nothing than a tsp !
Winter and Spring have not started to make red blood cells yet. They are giving them a medication to see if it will help if it hasn't worked by Thursday they will need another blood transfusion. They are both still nursing well. They are letting me breast feed them two times a day and it is a major deal they have to be weighted before and after to see how much they gained. They do this to make sure they are getting enough to eat while they nurse (it is getting on my nerves)

good night

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Doing a Kangaroo with Winter and Autumn Posted by Picasa
Autumn loves her binky Posted by Picasa
This is me and my sisters we always have so fun togather! Posted by Picasa
I just had another baby shower for my family it was so nice. I know it is expensive to come to a triplets shower! It was so good to see everyone I just wish I had more time to spend with each person. The girls are all doing well they will start to feed Autumn tomorrow. She really wants to eat it has been hard holding her because I know she can smell my milk and I can't give her any. Winter and Spring are both allowed to get breast/bottle 4 times a day . I will nurse them 2x and Troy will feed them the two bottles. I love when I hold them they look up into my face with their big eyes I know they know I am their mommy! They had another eye exam and Spring and Winters were questionable so they will do it again in one week.

Love you all

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Autumn in open crib! she can now maintain her body temp this is a big day for her. She is also on room air wearing clothes !! The only tube she has is her feeding tube for her nutrition. She is still off all food until she is done with her medication. Spring and Winter are doing well looking so much alike.

Troy taught the boys how to ride a bike tonight. Lincoln did it twice and that was enough for him. London on the other hand would not quit!! the only trouble he has is stopping !!! Posted by Picasa
Spring wide awake!  Posted by Picasa
Autumn wearing clothes for the first time!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Current weight:

4 lb 7 oz Autumn Will go into a open crib when she gets better!!!!

3 lb 13 oz Winter

3 lb 10 oz Spring

Monday, June 19, 2006

Autumn's condition has stayed about the same. She is still on the ventilator and very swollen. The Doctors are very optimistic about her recovery. She opened one eye when I was talking to her today (which helped me a lot). The other two are nursing and growing well.
Autumn Posted by Picasa
Autumn Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Well a lot has happened in just two days. On Friday Autumn had her blood transfusion that went well. I went in and held her and I could tell she still seamed like she wasn't feeling well . At 3:00 Am the hospital called to tell me she had a bloody stool and they were starting to run tests. They determined she has an infection in her Large intestine referred to as N.E.C. This can be a very serious illness if left untreated it will lead to death. We are very lucky it was detected in the early stage. They have stopped feeding her and have her on a ventilator. Her face is really swollen from the infection. It has been very hard to see her in this state I just hope she is dreaming of heaven and being held by her angels. Pray for her. We will keep you posted on her progress.
The other seasons are doing well.

Good night.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Lincoln was so brave at the hospital when we had to say goodbye he was fine I was a basket case. So the tonsils went okay he has asked several times to have them put back ! He doesn't like to talk so he started to draw pictures of what he wants it has been so cute.

Today was a rough day Autumn has not been making enough red blood cells therefore they wanted to give her a blood transfusion. They had charted all of their blood types being B- when the do a transfusion they cross test the blood to be sure and we are very glad they did. They discovered Autumn's blood type is AB- this is a very rare blood type and they would have to look for so they gave her O . I went to the hospital and held her for a long time (she needed it) she was already looking a lot more pink. I am nursing Winter and Spring now I fed them both at the same time tonight. It was so cute spring kept looking at her sister so she wasn't that interested in eating! Seeing their faces so close together is amazing they are such a blessing I feel like the luckiest person in the world !!

Austin and I were driving the other day and there was an old Limo with a big "FOR SALE" sign in the window. I said "Austin hurry and write that number down.... I never thought of a limo that would be a perfect family car !!" He said " Oh, no they don't even have seat belts! And they always break down" I said " I am pretty sure they have seat belts and we would have plenty of room". He said " Well you wouldn't be able to see the babies when you were driving?"
I could tell he was having a vision of being dropped off at school in an old limo! How uncool a old limo with car seats! My mom driving a limo !!!!!!
After I started laughing so hard!!!!
maybe I will test drive it this weekend!!!
The joys of parenthood!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

 Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa
Autumn had her first bath and boy she needed it!
We gave her a bath in her blanket and under a warmer then wrapped her in warm towels she loved it.

I have started to breast feed Spring and Autumn they are very good at it. Winter will start on Thursday.

Lincoln is having his surgery tomorrow :(

Love us

Monday, June 12, 2006

Weight gains

Autumn 3 lb 10 oz
Winter 3lb 8 oz
Spring 3lb 3 oz
Spring  Posted by Picasa
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Action heros Posted by Picasa
Lincoln & London in thier new PJ's Posted by Picasa
I am sorry it has taken me so long to update my internet was having problems.

We had a care conference on Wednesday with the Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, Bedside Nurse, The “going home” nurse and the Social worker. This was scheduled to go over all of the baby’s progress and current health. We also were given the criteria needed for the girls to come home.

All of the girls has started a series of eye exams they are very cautious of this because the babies eyes are not completely developed. They recently discovered that Oxygen over a long period of time has been the cause of babies going blind. If they detect it early enough they can perform a surgery to prevent this. I was told by our Primary nurse that we would have a 90% chance of eye issues with the girls. They had their first eye exam on Wednesday and all of their eyes are growing NORMAL!! Our nurse was shocked.
They will repeat this test in two weeks.

Autumn: She is still the biggest baby they are all still on Oxygen and being fed with a tube.

Winter: Last I wrote they were having a specialist read her head scan for the bleed.
The Doctor was from Primary Children’s. Her test came back NO BLEEDS. (What a relief) She is doing well just sleeping and growing. I can’t believe how much she looks like Troy!

Spring: She is doing well also they have increased her feeds. I have also started pumping a little different to help the girls gain weight. I will pump half way then switch bottles and finish the milk that comes in the end is call the “Hind” and it has all the fat. So we are only feeding them the Hind milk right now. This is the most natural way to help them gain weight.

The next thing we will need to accomplish is breast/bottle feeding we will keep you posted.
The Doctor also told us the girls will be on thyroid medication until they are about one year if this went untreated they could have mental retardation. No pressure on remembering that medication when they come home! He also said they have a 50/50 chance of coming home on oxygen. Please don’t ask us about this until we know it is happening for sure. We will cross that bridge when we come to it no sense stressing out about it now.
Our house is almost finished we are getting sheetrock on Tuesday and our siding will go up on Thursday. I can’t wait to get the girls nursery ready and pull our house back together.
Thanks for caring,
Love you all!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The pizza party after, Lincoln is eating a stack of cookies!
 Posted by Picasa
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Lincoln and the golf glove he wears everywhere!!!! Posted by Picasa
Austin  Posted by Picasa
Austin his shirt says "SK8" = skate Posted by Picasa
Yesterday they did head ultra sounds of the girls. They found something on Winters scan a very small bleed. They are having a Doctor from Primary children's read the scan, we will know more tomorrow. Autumn was on room air and is now back on the oxygen !!! It is such a roller coaster!!!!!!!!!! . They took all of the girls off caffeine yesterday and today put Autumn back on she needs the stimulation to keep her heart beating.
It is hard to think about all of this and I worry so much about them when I am not there.

Weight Gains:
Autumn 3lb 2oz
Winter 3lb 1oz
Spring 2lb 11oz

Austin had his last baseball game tonight they won. Lincoln is planning his five and three quarters birthday party and London is helping with all the details which are changing every hour.

Thanks for all of your comments we always look forward to reading them !

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Summer & Winter Posted by Picasa
We had a family visit today about 2o minutes and 200 questions later!!!!!!!!!!( it is hard to imagine 6 kids!)
I took some cute pictures of the babies and their isolates is what they live in. The only time they come out is when i do a kangaroo with them. They are always covered with a blanket so it is dark inside. The isolette is a controlled environment for temperature and humidity. Most access is through the small hole big enough for one hand. They really try and recreate the womb as much as possible. The girls are all doing well and really starting to show their personalities. It is amazing how much Winter and Spring are starting to look a like.

Love us
the three isolets  Posted by Picasa
Spring with her binkie Posted by Picasa