Thursday, June 22, 2006

Autumn in open crib! she can now maintain her body temp this is a big day for her. She is also on room air wearing clothes !! The only tube she has is her feeding tube for her nutrition. She is still off all food until she is done with her medication. Spring and Winter are doing well looking so much alike.

Troy taught the boys how to ride a bike tonight. Lincoln did it twice and that was enough for him. London on the other hand would not quit!! the only trouble he has is stopping !!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to do the blog. I look almost every day to see "what's new"! They are all sooo beautiful and getting BIG!!! I can't believe how much they have changed since the first photos you posted. What determines wether they can wear clothes or not?
Take care - I can't wait to see you

Anonymous said...

Iam glad to hear Autumn is doing good she 4lbs 7oz hannah wsa 4lbs 9 oz and hailee was 5lbs 1 oz their still so little at that age. I cant beleive the girls are brest feeding thats great poor little Hannah could never teach her self so i had to bottle feed her brest milk. Her little mouth was as big as the tip of my finger she still has a little mouth but she can eat alot for her size. Well still missing hearing from ya Holly