Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17,

Baby A. She is still doing very good today the nurse said she had only one spell of the Apnea and she came out of it herself!
Troy went up this morning and did a kangaroo with her he said he almost fell asleep rocking her she slept the whole time until the nurse told him he had 5 more minutes then she looked up at him and let out a little whimper and went back to sleep. When I go see her she usually has a leg hanging over the side like you would on a raft the nurses tell me they try and tuck it back in and she flops it right back over the side!!

Born at 1 lb 12 oz - today weights 2 lb 2 oz

Baby B: She has improved they have stopped giving her the meds for the infection and even cut out the meds for her blood pressure. She will have a new Echo of her heart tomorrow so they can look at the valve again to see if it has started to close.
I think she may be strong enough for the medication to close it if they need to give it to her.
Born at 2 lb 4 oz today weights 2 lb 6 oz

Baby C I just got home from doing a kangaroo with her and she just slept it is a very peaceful time she pooped 2 x while I was there I think she is liking the breast milk and she better it is killing me pumping like I need to !!!
She is doing well they will probably increase her feedings she only gets like a drop of milk a day ! (2 cc) not even 1/4 of a tsp. !
Born at 1 lb 15 oz today weights 1 lb 14 oz

I 'll let you know what happens tomorrow. If you have any questions you can leave them on this in the comets and I will find out for you.


The Solutions Team said...

Oh thank you for that beautiful blog... I loved seeing the girls and hearing how well they are doing. All of our fasting and prayers are working. I think they look so good. Thanks again. Love ya mom

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at hou tiny and perfect they are! The valve that isn't closing on its own Sum, is the one I just had closed in April. The drs. said that it doesn't close in about 20% of the population. Thanks for keeping us posted. (after it took me a week to get the link)
Can we go see them? How are you? Anything you need?
I like Marchel's name of Lydia.
Love you! Shirl