Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Winter  Posted by Picasa
Autumn in her crib She loves her mobile  Posted by Picasa
Spring  Posted by Picasa
Autumn Posted by Picasa
Holy Moly!!
This is busy! say good bye to the daily posts I will be lucky to post monthly.
We love having the girls home it is just a busy time trying to get our new groove. Spring is off of her oxygen and her monitor completely. Winter is still on oxygen and her mon just enough to drive you crazy.
Autumn is still in the NICU we really want her home. It has been very hard to manage our house and still go up and see her everyday. She will have another swallow study done on Thursday this will show the Doctors if she is able to start getting fed by mouth or if they will need to do surgery. If she can get fed by mouth she could come home within the week following! If not we are looking at minimum 2 more weeks.
We have been getting so much help from everyone (this really does take a village) We are so grateful for all of you Thank you!.
The boys are doing good I think they are also trying to adjust to the attention shifting from them to the babies. It will take time for all of us to figure out what will work for all of us. Austin is on a much needed break with his Grandparents in Star Valley WY. He goes every summer for about a month this year he was really, really excited to go! I wish he could see how much he is missed when he goes our house is not the same when he is gone.

We will keep you posted when we have time

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

 Posted by Picasa
London and Spring Posted by Picasa
Lincoln and Winter Posted by Picasa
Autumn she has so much hair the nurses have been styling it! Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa
I know it has been a while since the last post we have been very busy. Spring and Winter are home!! They are both on oxygen and monitors. It has been even harder having them home while Autumn is still in the NICU. She has extremely bad reflux so she has a really hard time eating. I feel so torn it is amazing having the girls home better than I had ever imagined. The day we left the hospital with them Autumn started to do worse I hate having her up there alone. We are once again making the adjustment I am so sick of change. I just want it to be normal.
We can't wait for everyone to meet our girls however we are still instructed to keep them in quarantine Winter and Spring are still under 5 lb.
Autumn is 5lb 6 oz she looks two months older than her sisters please pray for her she has a long road ahead.

good night

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I've missed you. Posted by Picasa
Sister's together at last!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 02, 2006

"The Calm before the Storm"

After several requests I have taken pictures of our remodel as you can see we are in the last stages Brian will be painting for us on Wednesday! We still need to tile and carpet. As you can see they are working on the outside which will take about two weeks.

The girls are all doing well. I have still not been given the chance to nurse Autumn she is not quite up to full feedings maybe on Tuesday? I can tell she really wants to everytime I hold her she tries :(

Winter got her feeding tube removed today !! She is taking all feedings by mouth she is very close to coming home. When she comes home she will still be on oxygen and stay on it until she is a little older.
I have been really thinking about all of the girls coming home and it has been keeping me up at night. I still can't believe we had triplets! I am trying to figure out how we will be able to take care of three babies! ready or not here they come!

Spring has continued to progress on the feeding program and is now able to eat on demand (they will not let them go longer than 4 hours) they try to get them to eat by mouth. It has been wonderful because now I can rub the girls and rock them which is what you naturally do when you hold a baby. When they are premies they can't take the stimulation.

We will keep you posted !
Autumn is now over 5 lbs! Posted by Picasa
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the twins Winter and Spring Posted by Picasa
Spring in open crib  Posted by Picasa
Lincoln and his cute outfit!! Posted by Picasa
back of house Posted by Picasa
We added 600 Square feet over the garage Posted by Picasa
the remodel Posted by Picasa