Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cleaning up your bedroom (1 hour). Emptying all the garbages (30 mins). Standing in line for 2 HOURS!!!! yes 2 HOURS!
Telling Santa you want a Slurpee maker... priceless!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the family tongue! Posted by Picasa
As you can imagine getting out the door is quite a task!! Posted by Picasa
The pair Spring and Winter Posted by Picasa
Winter, Autumn and Spring. A complete stranger made them these beautiful sweaters they each have two we are so grateful.

 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Austin and the girls Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa
Spring, Autumn and Winter Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 22, 2006

" Finding our new groove "
I am asked at least once a day how we manage?
We manage when we are present. When we start to think of doing this day in day out it is so overwhelming. When I am just letting my mind stay still it is all so beautiful. I know for sure there is nothing better than..Rubbing my nose in a babies neck , feeling so tired your bed feels like the greatest place on earth, going to bed alone so many times you feel like its your birthday when you go to bed together, having a family sleep over in your room, having family and friends really seeing you from the inside out and still loving you!, having your husband really be the only one to know what your going through, and last but not least .....Knowing your are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing!
I will leave you with pictures to prove it !!

Friday, August 25, 2006

This is not a day care this is our family!!

The girls are all doing well they are all off oxygen so we are free of cords !!
Our days are very busy the girls act like 1 month old babies. They all eat every three hours it takes us about 1 1/2 to feed, burp and change all three girls. They are staying awake a lot more now and they don't want to lay in their bed awake they want to be held and talked to awake!!
It seems as though right when you put one down someone else starts fussing to be held!! It is getting more and more challenging. We are really missing our 24 hour nurses!!!! (Denise, Liz, Chanda if you are reading this we could really use you around 3 am!!)

We would not be making it without the help of our families and all of you THANK YOU!!
Austin is going into Jr. High and Lincoln is starting kindergarten they are both so excited !

We are all entering into a new part of life which is scary and exciting. I am not sure where we are heading I just want us to enjoy the ride!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

too much fun!!! Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa
this is how we will get around Posted by Picasa
Spring & Autumn Posted by Picasa
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Winter & Spring  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

 Posted by Picasa
Spring and Lincoln Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa
London Piglet and Winter Posted by Picasa
A Family Affair!!! Posted by Picasa
The Trio : Autumn Spring & Winter  Posted by Picasa
Lincoln's Pirate Party! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This is so crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not sure how we will do this. You cannot imagine what this is like we can't even stop for a minute. I know we have not been easy to reach on the phone and we will be even harder to reach now. I am sure you all understand this is so overwhelming right now!

Spring is crying talk to you all soon!


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Autumn's coming home!

Tonight will be the last night our family will be split up. I can't put into words how emotional I feel when I think about the NICU and what we have been through. I am so grateful for all of the Doctors and the nurses. They treated us so well and took care of our babies like they were their own.

We are ready to start our new journey and we can't wait to share it with all of you!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Winter  Posted by Picasa
Autumn in her crib She loves her mobile  Posted by Picasa
Spring  Posted by Picasa
Autumn Posted by Picasa